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Gen Putih
Jl. Latuharhary 4 B Menteng Jakarta Pusat %% Jakarta 10310 Indonesia
General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church
100 Maryland Avenue, NE Washington DC 20002 USA
Global Exchange
2017 Mission St. #303 San Francisco CA 94110 USA
Global Kids
561 Broadway, 6th floor New York NY 10012 USA
GLUE Organisation
72, Ditch Street, Paola PLA 03 Valletta %% Malta
GPN Educational Media
GPN is a producer and distributor of educatoinal media (video, CD-ROM, DVD) for K-16. Lincoln NE USA
1000 21st St., Rock Island IL 61201 USA
Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Human Rights and Bigotry
264 Bay State Rd., 2nd fl Boston MA 02215 USA